Monday, April 30, 2012

Happy Birthday Aubrey Kaye!

 My Aubrey Kaye turns 5 today. It's a little bittersweet for me. Sweet because she is so excited to be getting older. Bitter because 5 signifies to me the beginning of being a big kid, and I am so not ready for her to be a big kid.

Aubrey has been the most delightful 4 year old. It has definitely been my favorite year so far. She is so smart, thoughtful, capable, creative, sweet, fun, excitable, spiritual, caring, independent, loving and helpful little girl around. I can honestly say that she is one of my most favorite people ever. I really would like to keep this adorable 4 year old Aubrey forever. Although I know I will enjoy watching her learn and grow and gain more skills and talents.

Aubrey has faced some fears this year and gotten over some of her timidness. She is much more adventurous on the playground, pool & trampolines. I'm glad to see her putting herself out there more and not letting her fears stop her as much. She has soooo much energy and thinks, creates and talks non-stop! She still loves to snuggle and is always telling us that she loves us and gives us big hugs and kisses. She says the funniest, deepest and most creative things. I absolutely love the things that come out of her mouth. She is very drawn to things of a spiritual nature and remembers almost everything she learns at church and home about the gospel. Just yesterday we were talking about baptism and she told us "Some people die before they can get baptized and it's a nice thing to do to be baptized for them in the temple." She was all teary eyed as she talked about the temple and she told us she was "feeling the spirit because she was crying but wasn't sad."

For the most part she is a great example to her sister and just loves her to pieces. She loves being the big sister and taking care of and teaching her sister. A couple of days ago we were in a rush out the door and we couldn't find Brooke's sandals. I sent the girls to the backyard to look while I scoured the house. I found the sandals and went to the back to call them in. As I approached the window I saw Aubrey motion to Brooke to kneel down. I watched as they knelt facing each other, folding their arms, bowing their heads and closing their eyes. I can imagine they were praying that Heavenly Father would help them find Brooke's sandals. (I didn't open the door because I didn't want to interrupt their sweet moment.) Another time a couple months ago, I was getting ready for church while the girls were playing. Jeff came home from a meeting and found the girls in the hallway kneeling and praying that Heavenly Father would help them find their flashlights. Jeff thought it was the cutest scene ever. I love how Aubrey is sharing her faith of prayer with her little sister.

This year Aubrey has taken dance class, swim class, art class, soccer & preschool. She loves to read, write, add, sing, dance, creative play, make concerts & fashion shows, plan FHE lessons, make up games, play with her sister & friends and pretty much do anything new or fun!

Happy Birthday my sweet Aubrey Kaye.We sure do love you! I hope year 5 is full of lots of adventures, growing, learning & fun!

Here's a photographic look back at Aubrey's year 4!