Monday, October 22, 2012

Random Fun

 One day the girls were playing with the little tea set. They decided it would be more fun with food. They found some mini muffins and filled their pitchers with water. This is how I found them in my room having a tea party. Cute little monkeys!

 Every fall, the Monday after Jeff cleans out the garden, he builds a little bon fire and we roast hot dogs. The girls were excited to have our little weenie roast for FHE last week. After dinner they decided that they wanted to play soccer and basketball for our activity.

Brooke made a cute Dad picture for preschool. We had fun time taking pictures with it that night.

Monday, October 15, 2012

General Conference Weekend

 We had a wonderfully relaxing General Conference Weekend and it was just what I needed. I had been battling a really nasty cold for 2 weeks and hadn't really had any time to relax. So a weekend in front of the TV was the perfect medicine for me!

As is tradition, during the Saturday morning session the girls painted pumpkins. These are the only pictures I took all weekend.

I printed off the usual conference packets and made my General Authority match game. The girls love this game. I print off small pictures of the First Presidency and the Twelve and tape them up around the TV. I make 2 sets so they won't fight over them. Then when one of the General Authorities get up to speak the girls try to find the matching picture. Then I use the cards the following Monday for Family Home Evening. Since I have two sets of them we play a typical match game. When each card is turned over we all say the name of the Apostle. Then when a match is found, I remind them of one thing they taught us in Conference. I'm hoping it's getting them familiar with the apostles and letting them know that they have important things to teach us.

The girls did really well during conference. Of course there's always some chatter, but it was quiet more often then not. And Aubrey was listening quite often to the speakers and would come over and ask me questions about what was being talked about. Here's a few examples:

Aubrey - "How does Heavenly Father watch all of us at the same time?" Me - "He has special powers that we won't understand until we die." Aubrey - "Are we going to have those special powers too when we die?" Me - "Yes, if we make good choices and try to follow Heavenly Father and Jesus, then we will be a Goddess and have our own planets with children to watch over." Aubrey - "I wonder what my planet will be called."

When Aubrey heard Elder Oaks say that worldwide 8 million children die before their 5th birthday she asked, "Did he just say that lots of kids die before they even turn 5?" When I told her that was true she said, "Oh that's too bad, cause then they don't get to be baptized."

She heard a speaker talk of Jesus suffering and she asked, "Did Jesus feel pain when he suffered?" Me - "Yes, he felt more pain then anyone ever has." Aubrey - "Did he hurt more then when we brake a bone." Me - "Yes, he felt all the pain of everyone who has lived on earth." Aubrey - "Did he say all of our names like, Aubrey, Brooke . . . " Me - "I don't think he said all of our names, but he knows all of our names, and he felt all of our pains."

As Pres. Monson was concluding conference Aubrey said, "Mom I really like conference. Can people watch it tomorrow and the next day?" Me - " They can watch it on the computer or on TV if they recorded it." Aubrey - "Can we record it so we can watch it again tomorrow?"
 I love when I got a glimpse into Aubrey's magnificent mind!
We also had some yummy, yet clean, breakfast foods, some clean no bake cookies and Jeff made a yummy chicken soup for us. But mostly I spent the weekend in my comfy clothes watching conference, relaxing and feeling the spirit.

I felt much improved come Monday and was so grateful for the wonderful weekend!

Friday, October 12, 2012

More Fun with the Grandparents

 Grandpa thought it would be fun to go the botany pond and feed the ducks. So we packed a lunch and headed over.

 It's been a year since we've feed ducks and the girls absolutely loved it!

They probably would have loved to feed the ducks a whole loaf of bread.

The breads gone, so it's our turn to eat.

Aubrey headed over to sit on the bench with Grandpa.

That night Grandma & Grandpa took us to Chuck E. Cheese for dinner. The girls were thrilled!

This ride takes a pic. of you and Chuck E., so Aubrey was having a fun time making funny poses for the camera.

Every time Brooke won tickets she'd run to me very excitedly to show me!

She was Grandpa's buddy. He had a little trouble keeping up with the little monkey running from game to game!

Brooke got really good at this water shooting game.

Aubrey loved the air hockey.

Two little cuties!

Time for pizza and a show.

My girls can't just watch the show, they have to be a part of it. Here's Brookie dancing away.

Aubrey quickly joined in.

My girls have always loved the show!

Brooke kept asking if the "real" Chuck E. Cheese was going to come out. She was so excited when he did and ran right up to him.

Bryan came and joined us too. Aubrey had to challenge him to a game of Air Hockey as well.

I can't believe how big my Aubrey is getting. I remember her on her first birthday sitting in that swing. My how time flies.
Such a fun filled day! Thanks Grandpa & Grandma for the fun times! Aubrey and Brooke loved every minute of it!

Grandma & Grandpa are home from their mission!

 My parents completed their mission on Sept. 28th. After a few days visit with Cindy's family they came to see us before they went home.

The girls were so excited for them to come and visit!

First item of business that morning was to play games.

 Isla tried to steal my waffle when I went to take pics. of the game.

  Then it was story time!

Then we went to the park to play.

Brookie showing off her new pumping skills.

Swings with Grandma!

Even Grandma had a swing.

Taking a walk with Grandma.

Grandma even braved the fireman's pole. I love how may dad is there to catch her.

Playing moon sand with Grandma.

Showing off her reading skills with Grandpa.

Fun times! We're glad they're home and that they came by to see us!