Friday, October 22, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

On Monday we went to my favorite local pumpkin patch with our friends Julie, Keagan & Easton. We had lots of fun and only wished we could spend more time there.

We tried to get one with all of our heads peeking out, but that proved to be impossible.

They LOVED going down the slides.

I love that Aubrey is big enought to take Brookie and loves to help her sister. Brooke did end up going down herself as well, but preferred going down with big sis.

Me and Brooke on the gunny sack slide. Aubrey wanted to stay below and take a picture.

Climbing the rollers to get to the slides. Brooke got all the way to the top all by herself! She's coming right along with her gross motor skills. (I did go up behind her in order to catch her in case she let go!)

Playing on the tramploline.

Going through the mini maze.

The girls had a ball in the petting zoo. Aubrey was so brave and went up to all of the animals to pet them.

Even the ducks stayed still long enough for her to pet them.

Mostly Brooke would wave or reach out to them from a distance.

But we did get her to pet this goat because she thought it was a cat!

Then mommy had the bright idea to get them some food to feed them. Apparently the goats were really hungry and started following us around and getting aggressive. One even got on it's hind legs and kind of pushed Aubrey with it's front legs. That ended the fun for both girls!

She did feed a few animals before getting freaked out.

She got to hold the bunny before we made our escape.

All of us going on the train ride.

We went on a trick or treat hay ride also. Kids were dressed in costume and when we approached them all the riders yelled trick or treat and they threw candy in. This was fun until Aubrey got hit in the head with candy. She wasn't too fond of it after that!

Riding the pony got her in good spirits again though!

What a cute little cowgirl.

Petting her pony.

I think the corn kernel box was their favorite part.

Brooke thought it was the coolest thing she has ever seen.

We had to ride the horse swings.

Aubrey always likes to help her sister. 
They loved the beanbags as well!

It was such a fun way to spend the afternoon! And get into the Fall spirit.