Saturday, November 13, 2010

Cutie Updates

Brooke is doing and saying the cutest things these days. When I ask her to do something for me she usually says, "sure" and then runs off to do as I asked. Her little "sure" is so cute.

When we ask her if she wants something she'll respond with, "yeah I do." I love how she's tacked on the "I do".

When I am correcting her behavior and she is in a cooperative mood she says, "Ok". Otherwise I hear a lot of "nos" coming from that little monkey.

She has learned the colors pink and purple. I think purple is her favorite color because she will point out that something is purple quite often.

She has also learned the number 2. When she is holding 2 of something and I say for instance, "You have your baby." She will hold up both and say, "two."

This week she actually corrected me when I was wrong. I'm in big trouble if my 1 1/2 year old is schooling me! She was in the bathroom and wanted to brush her teeth. I handed her the toothbrush and walked down the hall. She followed after me, handing the toothbrush back and saying, "Sis.". I said, "No Brooke this one is your toothbrush." She kept insisting that it was her sisters. Finally after the third time I realized that she was exactly right, I had given her Aubrey's toothbrush that looks similar to hers. What a little smartie pants!

My little Aubrey is all about board games these days. She had so much fun playing games with her Aunts on Halloween that she wants to play all the time now. When we get a new game out she will grab the instructions and say, "Hmmm let me read the instructions so we know how to play." She looks at the paper as if she is reading it. Funny kid. She is doing very good at following the rules and not cheating. I have been trying to teach her to be happy when other people have success and win, so I don't always let her win. And I make sure she gets excited and cheers for me when I win and I get excited and cheer for her when she wins. I don't think it's ever too young to teach about being a good sport.

Grandma Bagley gave Aubrey the book, "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when they were here last week. We read it once a day for the first four days. The next morning I was reading books to Brooke. Aubrey came in with her Grinch book and said, "I know how to read this book now, so I want to read it to Brooke." She then proceeded to tell us in detail the story, even quoting word for word some parts. I think she was always on the correct page too as she was telling us the story. I shouldn't be amazed anymore by her memory - but she still surprises me with her steel trap mind!

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