Monday, November 8, 2010

Little Dancer Little Blessing

This last weekend Aubrey had a dance performance at the mall. I reminded her in the morning and she was very excited about it, UNTIL, she asked if Daddy was going to come. I explained that Daddy had to work so he wouldn't be there. She got very sad and started crying. I even reminded her that she would have another performance in a few weeks that Daddy would be at. That did not ease her disappointment. Jeff had all 4 of his timeslots scheduled and it didn't look like there was any way he could come. My heart was broken for her and called Jeff and told him if by any miracle his first appointment cancels last minute he should run to the mall, because Aubrey very much wanted him to be there. I hadn't heard anything from him, so didn't really expect to see him there. After all, how likely would there be a last minute cancellation at the exact time of Aubrey's show. About 15 min. before the show started, in walks Jeff. Lo and behold the appointment he was supposed to have right then, cancelled! I had him go find Aubrey and let her know that he was there. I saw her little face light up when she saw her Daddy there - it was so sweet! What a sweet little blessing for my sweet little Aubrey.

The little cuties excitedly waiting for the show to begin!

I read that with my new camera you could take still shots while recording video, however I did not realize that it would interrupt the video. So there's a few funny moments on the recording.

 They had a dress rehearsal before the show began these pics are from that one.

Aubrey starts running off the stage the right way . . .

. . . then for some reason turns and goes the opposite way.

Still going the wrong way - but looking oh so cute! She must have her Mommy's sense of direction!

Here's Aubrey's fan club (minus Daddy who had to run back to work as soon as her dance ended.) She was so excited that her Aunts and Uncles came to see her dance. Thanks sibs and Jeff for coming and making Aubrey's night!

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