Friday, November 5, 2010

Preschool Pajama & Pizza Party

We had preschool at our house this week - and if you can't tell from the title, the letter of the day was P. We had a blast doing all things that start with the letter P. With P as the theme, you have to have a Pajama Party!! They all looked so cute in their Pj's.

The night before I had decorated the room with Pink & Purple balloons and streamers.

After doing our usual beginning things (ABC's, counting, days of the week & weather), we read "If you Give a Pig a Party."

Then we Played games. First was the Penny drop. I had them all count out 10 Pennies. Then they took turns dropping the Pennies and trying to get them into the jar. Brooke had a ball collecting the Pennies that didn't drop into the jar and putting them in herself.

 Then we Played Penguin bowling. 

We got this as a gift several years ago. After each game they got Prizes. (The left over Halloween candy came in handy for this!)

 Then we opened Presents. (All of the craft items and activities were in presents for them to open throughout the day.)

Inside the first present was the supplies needed to turn Pumpkins into Poultry.

Here's Aubrey's finished turkey.

When it's at our house, I let Brooke participate too, otherwise she would be very unhappy. So, this is Brooke's finished turkey.

Then they all made their own individual Pizza's topped with Pepperoni, Pineapple & Peppers.

While they cooked they made Prince/Princess crowns.

Aubrey wearing hers hours later, when the glue finally dried!

After they ate their pizza we played with Playdough for Playtime.

We ran out of time (as usual) to do everything I prepared. So, I sent them home with their last Present - a Penguin Puzzle.
The kids had a lot of fun and every one was on task the whole time. (This is why I plan a lot of short activities, so we can keep changing it up and keep their interest.) I was so pleased with how it turned out. We did end up with quite the mess afterward though - but it was all in the name of education and fun, so that makes it worth it!

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