Sunday, February 27, 2011

Chuck E Cheese's

A week ago Saturday my parents treated the girls and I to Chuck E Cheese's. The girls were sooooo excited to go. I think it had been almost a year (Brooke's first b-day party was I think the last time we were there.) I'm sure Brooke doesn't remember it, but she sure picked up on Aubrey's enthusiasm because she said all morning long, "I go Chuck E. Cheese" along with Aubrey.

Luckily I had one token that I found in my wallet, because they couldn't wait to get on the rides.

Aubrey was so happy to be there.

Catching some bees with Grandpa.

Playing a little air hockey with Grandma (My mom accidentally scored a goal.)

Brooke looked so cute stompin on the buttons.

Playing ball with Grandpa.

During pizza, the show began. Aubrey was excited to get to run up and dance.

Brookie and Grandma had to join in the fun too.

Aubrey is so excited to have mastered these enclosed play grounds. This time she wasn't tentative inside it. She crawled everywhere. Here she is poking out her cute little head!

This bike ride was Brooke's favorite ride.

Brookie looked so cute wandering around with Grandma.

She could barely reach the sharks - but oh how she looked so cute trying.

The girls had so much fun at Chuck E. Cheese. Almost everyday since they've asked if we could go again. Aubrey even keeps asking when Grandma & Grandpa are coming again - in hopes they will take her since mean mommy tells her no!

When Jeff came home the girls told him all about our day. Brooke even acted out the robot ride for him. It was so cute. Then during bath time Brooke spent the whole time with her tub crayons drawing pictures of each ride and telling me about them.

Thanks Mom & Dad - the girls had a BLAST!

1 comment:

  1. So fun to see your girls and Grandpa and Grandma. Looks like a lot of fun and I loved catching up on all your other posts.
