Monday, February 7, 2011

Gotta Wear Tutu's

My girls think it is a requirement to wear a tutu when you dance. If they are watching a show and music comes on, Aubrey will pause it so they can run and get their tutus on so they can dance to the music.

Brooke wore this tutu all day today. I was able to get it off for lunch and nap time, but as soon as she woke up from her nap she wanted it back on again.

Here's Aubrey struttin' her stuff.
 Brooke has become quite independent lately. This is a good thing and a bad thing.

For instance yesterday Aubrey wanted to paint Brooke's nails "really bad." We got the stuff out and Brooke insisted, "I do self" as she ripped the nail polish out of Aubrey's hands.
 She immediately put the brush up to her lips (thinking it was lip gloss). After we explained to her that it goes on her nails, she proceeded to paint the backside of her fingers and hand. Then she threw quite a big fit when I told her she was all done with the nail polish.
On the other hand the independence has been very helpful. The other day I was working on a project while she was playing blocks. I completed my project and was cleaning it up. She saw what I was doing and said, "clean up". Then she proceeded to clean up all 80 blocks on her own without any help or encouragement from me.

Aubrey was just cracking me up today. At breakfast she told me, "Mommy you were talking with your mouth full and your not supposed to do that."

Then later when we were baking cookies she looked into the oven and said, "I wish I was a cookie so that I could be in the oven." We then had a lengthy discussion on how dangerous and painful that would be for her.

Then when I was making lunch she and Brooke were playing together. They had found some round magnets and were sitting on either side of the stool pretending that they were cookies. Aubrey was just putting them to her lips, but Brooke was opening her mouth as she pretended to eat them. I told Brooke that they didn't belong in her mouth and then Aubrey piped in, "Brooke, don't put that magnet in your mouth because it has poison in it. If you eat it then you'll go to heaven and cry forever." That one gave me a good laugh.

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