Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I'm Following My Sister Wherever She May Go

 We actually had decent weather the other day and Aubrey & Brooke really wanted to play outside. So, I bundled them up and sent them out, while I watched them all warm and toasty from the inside.

Brooke just followed Aubrey all around the yard. It was too cute.

 If Aubrey would bend over to play with the snow, Brooke would do the same.

When Aubrey would start walking again, Brooke would be just a few steps behind.

Then they decided to do a little teeter totter.

And yes, Brooke fell off many many times. But, they were having so much fun together, she would just laugh and then get back on.

I watched as Brooke tried to get herself on this swing. She was having trouble so Aubrey was talking her through it and helping her out. When she finally got on, Aubrey immediately went and started pushing her.

Aubrey must have then said that it was her turn, because Brooke got off, Aubrey got on and Brooke started pushing her.

At one point, one of Brooke's boot fell off and she just carried it around with her. And as you can see Aubrey thought that was a great idea, so she took off her boots and socks and gloves. I am sure she was freezing. So, I called them back inside for a nap.

I had so much fun watching them play. Seeing them so happy together is one of the things that brings me the most joy.

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