Monday, April 25, 2011

Church History Museum

 After Michelle's graduation and a reception at her college, we headed over to the Church History Museum. A friend had told me that they have an awesome new children's exhibit (thanks Tara).  And she was right, it's so much fun. I want to go again when we have a little more time.

Look there's Jesus.

Checking out what ship bunkers were like for the immigrants.

Learning about making quilts.

Making their own quilts on the great big magnet board.

Sewing a quilt together.

Going fishing.

Dressing up dolls.

Making a fort.

Going farming.

 Brooke didn't quite know what the egg was for. She thought it was food for the hen!
 Taking a ride in a truck.

Playing tortilla toss.

And learning some Spanish Dances.

After the museum we headed over to Wingers for a celebration dinner for Michelle. It was such a fun day!!

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