Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Isla Michelle

 My cute little niece Isla Michelle.

 She was born first thing Friday morning (around 12:30 a.m.)
She weighed just under 8 lbs. and was 20 inch.

 I got to see her right after she was born.

Here's new mommy Esther holding her baby for the first time.

Grandma meeting Isla.

New daddy Bryan holding his baby girl for the first time.

Grandpa can't hold more than 5 lbs so he couldn't hold her - but here he is sneaking a peek.

Thursday morning I had told the girls that their new baby cousin would be born soon. Aubrey then said, "I think she is moving around in Esther's tummy looking for like a door or a hole to come out of."

I took the girls to meet their new cousin Saturday afternoon. They were sooooo excited!
When we got there, Isla was getting her first bath. The girls thought it was so much fun to watch her through the window.

 Then they got to see her up close and personal.

They couldn't get enough of her.

Here's Aubrey giving her kisses. 

Brookie giving her a hug.

Aubrey had written a story for her that morning and here she is reading it to her new cousin.

Brookie giving Isla the pictures she drew for her.

Then it was Brookie's turn to get up close.

Brooke couldn't stop patting, hugging and kissing her. Too sweet.

The girls playing bunny rabbit with Bryan before we left.

While at the hospital I pointed out the big bruise that Isla had on her head, so that the girls would be careful not to bump it. I explained that she got that when she was being born. Aubrey must have been processing that while we were there. When we were in the car driving home she said, "Aunt Esther has a skeleton inside her and skeletons are hard. I think Esther's baby bumped her head on Esther's skeleton." What a little smartie pants!

We're so glad that we have a healthy new little one in the family!

Congratulations Esther & Bryan!

1 comment:

  1. Definite congrats to Esther and Bryan! I'm sending their package in the next day or so. I seriously love the pic of you guys looking at Isla through the window.
