Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Our Weekend

 It was General Conference this weekend and conference was awesome. I'm looking forward to reading the talks in the Ensign because we miss a lot of what was said with two little monkeys in the house.

They had fun coloring pictures and playing their apostle match game while we watched.

During conference they sang one of my favorite new Primary songs, "I know that my Savior loves me." I mentioned to the girls to listen because they were singing a primary song that they knew. Brooke said, "That's sissy's Primary song, where's my nursery song?" Then a minute later she said, "Where's my Knees and Toes song." Can you imagine the tabernacle choir busting out "Head Shoulders Knees and Toes during conference? That would have been awesome!

Other things this weekend. The girls opened an Easter package from G & G Buell. Brooke was thrilled to find a chocolate bunny sucker.

Aubrey loved her new purple outfit (especially because Brooke had a matching one - she loves it when they match) and had to put it on right away. She also couldn't wait to bite into her big chocolate bunny.

Between conference sessions the girls snuggled up together at the computer and watched a show.

Aren't they so sweet!

Aubrey has been extra tired again lately and complaining of aches and pains again. I have found her several times asleep on the floor or bed during her quiet time.

We got some snow during conference. So, after conference was over we all went outside to hang out together. Aubrey made a snowman almost completely on her own. (Jeff just helped her stabilize it.)

Putting on the snowman's face.

Cute little snow bunny.

Here she is with her very own snowman. Way to go Aubrey.

Brooke admiring her sisters handy work.

Brooke's nose started running again :(. So there's been lots of nose wiping going on. I was doing the dishes on Sunday and watched as Brooke put her babies to bed, ran and got a tissue and wiped each of their noses. How cute is that!
 The girls also received a package from the Bagley cousins. They were so excited! Here's Brooke looking oh so cute in the ladybug glasses they gave them.

Kisses from Daddy.

We had a real nice weekend together as a family!

I forgot to post this on my last update post. When Michelle was here last week, we took her to buy some baby clothes for her sister Jenny. When we got back home Brooke went through the clothes with Michelle and kept saying things like, "Oh that's so cute." "Baby shoes are so cute." It was so sweet.

1 comment:

  1. Snow! We saw the snow and thought that can't be....crazy. I love the glasses. So cute. Aubrey's hair is so long.
