Sunday, April 24, 2011

Random Pics.

 We've had a busy couple of weeks, so I have tons of pics to post, but no time to do it.

I had a bunch of random pics from the last month of the girls, so I thought I'd start with those.

Pirate, Pony Picnic.

Aubrey has learned to skip really well in her dance class. She skips all over the house all of the time.

Aubrey making a "recipe". It included Strawberry milk powder, fruity pebbles and peanuts. Mmm Mmm good. Brooke actually loved it! I love that they both have their aprons on.

Brooke kissing Aubrey's hurt hand better.

Blowing kisses.

When you don't have stairs in your house, you have to make your own. Or so Aubrey thinks. Brooke sure loved Aubrey's stairs.

Brooke loves Snow White and I found this second hand for a few bucks. Brooke was thrilled!

Another one of Aubrey's snazzy outfits that she wanted me to take a picture of.

The girls were so excited to plant flowers in the pots on their little house.

Aubrey wanted to play in the garage while Jeff was working in there. She took everything out of the van and made a little picnic for her and Brooke.

Then they wanted wheelbarrow rides.

One of the first things Aubrey asked when they got the playhouse is if they could eat inside it. I found this darling little table and chairs at the ward swap meet (thanks Shirlene) and it just barely fits in the house. The girls have had a ball eating in their house.

They like to water their plants too.

Another picnic outside on their table.

Lots more posts to come!

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