Saturday, May 14, 2011

Disneyland Day 1

Monday morning finally arrived - the day we were leaving for Disneyland! We had been talking about it for months and we all were so excited. In fact for about a week, every morning after I got Brooke ready for the day she would say, "I'm all ready go to Disneyland." And Aubrey would ask, "How many more days until we go to Disneyland?" It's all we could talk about!

Monday morning Jeff was packing up the cooler next to where Brooke was strapped into her car seat. After a few minutes Brooke looked over and said, "Come on Dad!" She couldn't figure out what was taking him so long!

The girls were fantastic on the car ride. Of course we got a ton of, "How much longer til we get there" and "Are we at Disneyland yet." But, other than that they did great.

When we got to our motel the girls were so excited they were jumping off the walls.

The front gates at Disneyland!

On day 1 we went to California Adventure. We got there 40 min. before they opened and ran straight for Toy Story. We literally walked right onto the ride. It was awesome. Our first ride ended up being Aubrey's very favorite ride at Disneyland! Way to start with a bang!

Then we headed over to the Ferris Wheel. Aubrey had seen this on Disney channel about a year before and started asking me if we could go "there." Once I told her "there" was Disneyland she asked me on a very frequent basis if we could go to Disneyland.

You see how Brooke is sitting on the seat and not on Jeff's lap? Well she insisted on every ride that she sit on her own seat. She has become very 2 and very independent (and stubborn I might add!)

 On our way to the next ride we ran into Jessie! The girls surprised me by running right up to her and not being at all timid. (I guess all of our talk of seeing characters at Disneyland prepared them)

Cuties on the Carousel.

Then we walked past Woody.

This was one of my favorite moments. As we walked down the street Aubrey was dancing, skipping & prancing instead of walking. So cute and excited!

So, we are totally in love with the Single Rider lines they have there. Both Jeff and I were able to walk right onto California Screamin'. It was awesome. I had never been on a roller coaster ride by myself, so I was a little nervous. Luckily they sat me next to a nice gal and I started chatting with her. Right before the ride began I saw Jeff and the girls watching me and I forgot to be nervous! (I am right behind the boys with the glasses.)

Then we saw Goofy (one of Brooke's favorite characters.) We waited for a few minutes in line and then when it was our turn Brooke said, "I brave" and then ran right up to him.

Aubrey was just tall enough to go on the Tower of Terror (well when she had sandals on with a little heel.) I told her about the ride and Jeff showed her it. We asked her if she wanted to go on it and she said, "Yes I'm brave, I want to try it." She went with me (thank goodness, because I would have been very nervous going on this one by myself.) We sat by a nice lady who was very familiar with the ride and warned Aubrey when we were going to drop. She was very quiet during the whole ride. When it was over I asked her if she like it. She answered very matter of factly "No, I didn't like it." The whole elevator started laughing! 

She decided not to go on it again with Jeff, so I took the girls to Princess Dot's Puddle Pond while we waited for daddy. I wasn't sure if the girls would like it - boy was I wrong. They absolutely LOVED it! They didn't want to leave even when they were completely drenched!

Look at how soaking wet they are!

 They got lots of laughs and smiles as we found a place to get them changed.

I loved how Brooke just followed her big sister around. So sweet!

All dried up we went to the Lady bug spin ride.

Brooke told us that this was her favorite ride of the day.

Brooke was a little monkey the whole time and tried to climb up everything she could find!

Bumper cars with daddy.

 Daddy trying to entertain the little monkey!

Getting into our container for Flik's flyers.

After naps we went to see the Bug 3D movie. Aubrey was quite scared of it - but Brookie LOVED it! She kept talking about how the butterfly touched her cheeks. We loved seeing them reach out and try to catch the bugs. Too cute.

Jumping Jellyfish was one of Aubrey's favorite rides of the whole time. I think she felt brave going up so high!

We also loved the Rider swap tickets. Aubrey and I would wait in line and go on a ride and then ask for a rider swap ticket. Jeff would take it & Aubrey and get to go to the front of the line to ride it. Aubrey got to go on several rides twice this way. Lucky girl!
While Daddy and Aubrey were taking their turn on Soarin' over California, Brooke and I went to the Redwood Creek Challenge where we found some slides that Brooke loved.

Then we headed over to find a spot to watch World of Color. They showed images from Disney movies. The girls loved pointing out their favorite characters.

What a Magically fun day!!

1 comment:

  1. ok, i have always {Since boston was little} loved the bugs life area. Those water holes are my kids FAVORITES! i actually bring swimsuits and quickly change them for the fun! haha
    did you go into the animation studios where you can see "turtle talk with crush?" it's darling!
    isn't toy story mania awesome!! LOVE it!

    i am so glad you guys had so much fun, it looks like the girls really enjoyed it!
    and Jeff is an absolute awesome daddy to hang out ALL day long and actually love it! hahaha
