Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Disneyland Day 3

On Day 3 we headed back to the Disneyland Park. We got there early and headed straight over to the Finding Nemo subs. We were the front of the line - it was awesome. We all loved this ride. It was so cool watching a Nemo show on the water while riding in a sub.

Buzz Lightyear was next. Another fun ride for all of us.

Then we headed over to Space Mountain. Aubrey was brave enough to go on with Daddy. I remember wimping out and not going on this ride when I was a teenager! (I was such a wimp and I always hated that about myself and the fun things I missed. So, I always encourage Aubrey {who is a lot like me} to try things even when she's a little scared)

She liked the ride except that it bumped her head a few times.(I forgot to tell Daddy he should hold her head so it wouldn't bang into anything.)

She opted not to go on it again with me. As you can see, I was the only one in my vehicle. It was really kind of spooky being in the pitch black and in complete silence.

Riding a much less scary rocket ship ride!

Eating lunch while waiting to meet the fairies.

Yay it's our turn. (The flowers have speakers in them and you sometimes hear voices. Brooke was climbing next to a flower and it said something about a brook. She started looking all over for who had called her by name. It was too funny.)

Meeting Vidia.

Brooke gave her the biggest hugs - so sweet.

Meeting Tinkerbell.

Brooke fell into Tinkerbell with another great big hug.


Getting ready to see the 3D Captain EO show. Both girls really liked this one.

Jungle cruisin'

So fun to see all the animals.

After naps we headed back to California Adventure to see the Disney Jr. Live show.  It was so cute and both girls loved it.

Then we asked the girls to each pick their favorite ride to go on one more time. Aubrey picked Toy Story. They both loved the big Mr. Potatoe head.

This time we actually had to wait in line for it, so here's Jeff entertaining them!

Brooke picked It's a Small World. We were thrilled about that because it's a nice rest for our feet and it's right next to Toon Town where we were headed next. 

 The girls absolutely loved Toon Town. Here they are playing at Minnie's house.

We had walked past Minnie about 4 times in the last two days. They had wanted to stop and meet her, but I was assured by many people that she would be at her house for them to meet. So we never stopped. Well, apparently she is only there until 4:30 and we didn't go until 6:30 because we wanted less crowds. They were all dressed up like Minnie just to meet her and we never got to :(. Thankfully they had met many characters by that time that they weren't too disappointed.

Having fun at Mickey's House.

Aubrey said to me, "All of the things are hard at Mickey's house, but at our house all of the things are soft." Nice observation funny Aubrey. (I believe in letting the magic last and not telling her that it was just pretend and not really their houses. After all she'll figure it out herself in a few years.)

Yay - we did get to meet Mickey!

 The girls wanted to sit in every car.

The night show that we were planning to see was canceled so we were able to hit a couple rides again at Fantasy Land before the park closed.

Another magical day! We also went on Indiana Jones which was awesome and the girls loved the Enchanted Tiki room. I finally figured out why my Dad always wanted to go to that show - to rest his feet!!

We were all a little sad to leave that night because who knows when we'll be able to go back. Aubrey said, "How about we stay for one more day and ride some more rides." 

The next morning as we were getting ready to drive home Brooke said, "We go to Disneyland a little bit more today." I'm so glad they had such a fun time!

Saturday morning I had a baptism to go to. I returned home to see Aubrey's drawing of the dragon (what Aubrey calls the Abominable Snowman on the Matterhorn) and her Tower of Terror that she built out of blocks. If you ask Aubrey about what she did at Disneyland, she will tell you in depth about the Tower of Terror - she is really so proud of herself for going on it!

At lunch Brooke said, "We not go to Disneyland anymore, it's far away." And Aubrey said, "When I grow bigger I'm going to take my little children to Disneyland." Hopefully Aubrey Kaye you can go a lot sooner than that!

Thanks Jeff for our awesome Christmas present. It was such a fun family vacation!!

(In case anyone was wondering - 3 days at Disneyland = walking 20 miles!)

1 comment:

  1. 20 miles! Crazy. I have loved seeing all these fun pictures. Next time make it Disney World and we'll join you!
