Saturday, July 16, 2011

Baby Beckham

Right as we were finishing up with Isla's pictures (see last post) we got a fun phone call!

 My newest nephew Beckham Hyde Carlile was born on Tuesday, July 5th at 5:40 (ish) pm.
He was 8 lbs 4 oz and 20 inches long.

He is just a darling little guy. 

Congrats Summer & Steve!

Grandma holding her new grandson for the first time.

These little girls were so excited to see their new cousin!

Aubrey holding Beckham.

Brooke holding Beckham.

When we got there, Summer was actually in a lot of pain. So, we left after a few minutes so she didn't have to have too much of an audience.

We went back the next afternoon and Summer was feeling much better. Beckham however had just had his circumcision and was not too happy. Poor guy.

Summer fed him and got him to sleep and we got to see cute little sleeping Beckham.

Doesn't Summer look awesome for just having a baby less then 24 hours before.

The whole Carlile family.

My girls blowing Beckham kisses.

We're so happy to have another healthy little baby in the family!


  1. Definitely happy to have another healthy little baby! I'm so glad everything went okay. Sad to hear that Summer was in a lot of pain...but she does look good! Love you all!

  2. Thanks for the post! I am finally catching up on everyone's blogs.
