Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Glitter Toes

 I've been dying to try and do Glitter Toes myself. I finally gave it a whirl this week.

Doing glitter toes on a 2 year old was a challenge. This was the conversation we had over and over again, "Brookie you have to stay still." She would respond, "Ok I will Mommy" as she continued to kick and wiggle.But, she really wanted "parkly toes" so I did my best!

Here are the little monkeys kicking back, letting their toes dry. (Brooke of course put her blanket directly on her toes the minute I looked away for a second.)

Here are all of our toes. I'm pretty pleased with the result. Even Brooke's turned out decent.

Us girls love our "parkly" toes.

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