Tuesday, August 16, 2011

It started out good

Last Wednesday we had a fun day planned with Aunt Esther & Isla.

First we went to their apartment and the girls had fun riding their bikes.

Brooke really wanted to wear knee pads, so we used Aubrey's shoulder pads on her knees. Cute kid!

 Then she wanted to ride the bike and wear the helmet. Doesn't she look adorable?

Isla was sitting on this chair when we came back in and Aubrey got up on it to snuggle with her. Too cute!

So, Brooke joined in too.

Then we headed to the park with a picnic lunch. The girls played and ate while we sat in the shade. Then we all jumped in the van to get some Frozen Yogurt. After Aubrey ate a few bites of hers she said her tummy was full and she didn't want anymore. That seemed very strange to me.

Just when we were driving into Esther's apartment, Aubrey threw up all over the place. Poor thing! We managed to get her and her car seat a little cleaned up so we could get ourselves home. I gave her a bath and she threw up again. Then she took a good nap. When Daddy got home he gave her this great big bucket with the instructions to aim into the bucket if she felt sick. I did not think she'd be able to do it. But, she threw up two more times and aimed pretty good. I think her motivation was that she didn't want to get it all over herself.

She dragged around the bucket the rest of the night and the next day as well. I thought she looked so cute!

That night as she was saying her prayers she prayed that she wouldn't throw up while she slept - and she didn't! She also prayed that Brooke wouldn't cry while she slept. (Brooke has been crying a lot when we put her down to bed ever since she started getting 2 molars in. While she was in pain we would go and check on her and give her some medicine - if she had her hand in her mouth. The molars are now in, but now she just wants the attention.) We had never actually talked with Aubrey about why her sister was crying at night, she had just noticed it and didn't want her sister to be sad. I thought it was really sweet!

Anyway, it was a short lived bug, because by the next day she was fine. However, I didn't want to take any chances with my recently cleaned and disinfected van, so we stayed home all day. I can't even remember the last time we stayed home all day. It was actually kind of nice. I watched some movies with my girls, did a little crochet and even got some things done around the house.

By afternoon the girls were sick of the tv so they started playing so cute together. They would first lay down on the couch together and pretend to be asleep. After a few moments they would yell, "cock a doodle do it's morning time." They would play with a few toys they had laying out. Then Aubrey would say it's scripture time. She and Brooke would sit on a chair together and Aubrey would read to Brooke the scriptures. Then they would say their prayers and lay back on the couch. They did this over and over again for like an hour. Here's a pic. of scripture time:

Brooke ended up throwing up 2 nights later in her sleep and then must have just fallen back to sleep. Poor thing. She woke up the next morning crying, "My socks are all dirty." I went in to her and found her all messy. I felt so sad that we weren't there to help her in her time of need. Anyway, I figured we'd have another sick day with Brooke, but she was completely fine. Pretty weird, short flu! Now every time she wakes up from bed or a nap she says all excited, "I didn't throw up!" What a cutie pants!

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