Saturday, August 13, 2011

Little Rock Star

 Aubrey was invited to a Rock 'n Roll party and was supposed to come dressed like a Rock Star.

We had lots of fun putting together her outfit. I even made her some rock star fingerless gloves. I thought she looked absolutely adorable!

 I saw her out of the corner of my eye one time and had to do a double take because it totally reminded me of teenage ME!

Here's teenage me.

 And more me. (Don't worry we were supposed to clash)
 Back to Aubrey cuteness. I had to post a ton of pictures cause she was posing all cute for me.

 Brooke insisted on putting on her tutu and putting on Rock star makeup and posing for pictures. Total cuteness!

Work it Rock star Brookie.

Then she got out her mic and started singing and dancing.

So Brookie followed suit.

Rockin' out together.

I thought my last minute bow turned out cute.

When I went to pick her up they were doing the pinata. Here's the birthday girl and all of the darling Rock stars at the party.

She made super cool rock star glasses at the party.

And got her face painted like a butterfly.

I totally love getting into themed parties! Aubrey had a blast being a rock star!


  1. She is getting so big! With that makeup on you can totally see what she's going to look like in a few years.

  2. So cute! Heather I thought the exact same thing when I was looking at the second picture I was like that is totally Heather in High School and sure enough I got to see photos. She looks like a babe if you can say that about a 4 year old. Also is that the hot pink eye shadow I gave your girls a while back? If so I am glad it has been put to good use.
