Monday, August 8, 2011

Magic Show

 For participating in the Summer programs at the library, the girls got free tickets to a magic show. They were so excited to go!

All the kids were sitting on the floor in front - so I sat my girls with them. I didn't know what Brooke would do and halfway expected her to join me at the chairs. But, she did fantastic - she sat and watched the show the whole time.

The magician was really fun and animated. In this trick he had a child in the audience give him her ring. Then he made it disappear. He then took out these nested boxes and started opening them.

It was in the last of like 5 or 6 boxes. Pretty cool trick.

We sure did enjoy the Summer programs at the library this year! We even have lots of free ice-cream coupons. The girls will enjoy redeeming those!

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