Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Pioneer Day

 We finally decided to try out the Pioneer Day festival at a local park. We hadn't gone before, because I thought it was going to just be really commercial like the 4th of July event. Boy was I wrong. There was tons of free stuff to do. The girls loved it!

Riding the vintage fire truck.

 Making pioneer satchels . . .

. . . and then filling them with pioneer treats.

Roping a bull

Brookie's turn.

Panning for gold.

Drawing some pictures in jail.

 Getting their faces painted like Indian Princesses.

Oh so cute!

Watching an Indian dance.

Making Pioneer bonnets.

Playing a bean bag saloon toss game.

Making bees wax candles.

 Having a pony ride.

Petting the farm animals.

Playing the duck hunt game.

Checking out the replica of the pioneer schoolhouse.

Riding in a handcart.

Playing in a TP

They also had demonstrations on how the Pioneers did their woodworking, welding and tool making. My camera's battery died, so I didn't get any pictures. It was such a great event, that we'll plan to go to every year!
Later that evening we had a BBQ at the neighbors house.

We did our fireworks, poppers & sparklers the next night when the Tanner's arrived.

We had to make it quick because we were being attacked by mosquitoes!

It was a very nice pioneer day.

A couple days later Jeff and I got to go on an Anniversary date. We went and saw 17 Miracles. It's a movie depicting the miracles that occurred during the Pioneer trecks of the Martin and Willey handcart companies. It was an awesome movie that really portrayed the struggles and faith of these pioneers. I am so grateful for all that they suffered and the examples they are of great faithful Latter-day Saints.

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