Friday, August 26, 2011

Splash Pad

 I heard from my cousin about this really fun and free Splash Pad. If something is both fun and free - then I MUST go! I knew the girls would love it since they loved the Princess Dot Puddle Pond at Disneyland.

I was right - they had a blast! I love Aubrey's genuinely happy smile in this picture!

Brooke just skipping around!

Brooke followed Aubrey and Zoe everywhere they went!

Getting all soaking wet!

Time for our picnic lunch. Brooke started teasing people and calling them "boys."  Aubrey and Zoe thought that was hilarious and joined right in!

 Esther and Isla were chillin' with us.


Then we had to try out the playground - which was way too hot! But they at least got to climb a little.

Such a fun place. You gotta love free fun!

1 comment:

  1. Which splash pad is this? It looks like a nice one, especially with the park right there, I'm sure Lilia would love it!
