Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Beckam's Baby Blessing

Sunday was Beckham's baby blessing. We had a luncheon before church. We took some pics and then were off to attend the blessing.

Here's the man of the hour looking so handsome in his little suit!

 The Mommy and her little man!


 All the men who would be in the blessing circle.

The Bagley side in attendance.

The cutey cousins!

Brookie giving Isla smooches.

The cute big girls holding Beckham.

Brooke LOVED holding Isla!

Aubrey said this when she saw this picture, "I like how they are both looking to the side. It's cute."

Aubrey wanted a turn with Isla.

Such a nice day and blessing. Thanks Summer & Steve for inviting us!


  1. Ahh. I love this post. So fun and beautiful.

  2. Gah! We didn't know about Isla's blessing, and now we didn't know about Beckham's either! Wish we could've been there to support your cute family. We love you all!
