Friday, September 16, 2011

Fall Activities are in Full Swing

During one of our last visits to the water park a couple of weeks ago I was feeling sad about Summer ending and told my girls that the water park would be closing in a few days. My sweet Aubrey replied, "Yeah but so many fun things are starting, "Preschool, Story time, Jump on It & Dance class." So I decided to try and take on Aubrey's good attitude and move full speed ahead into our favorite Fall/Winter Activities!

First was Preschool that I already posted about. Since Aubrey was soooo excited for it, I finally got excited to plan for it!

Aubrey's dance class began last week and it was fun to see my little cutie dance again!

See the teachers arm pointing at Aubrey, she was telling the class to look at Aubrey and do it like her. Proud momma moment!

Aubrey showing us the curtsy that she learned to do in class.

 Story time started up again at the library. (I only had my cell phone so the quality is really bad.) Brooke stays with me for the 2 year old story time while Aubrey goes to another room for the "Big kid" story time. Thus no pictures of Aubrey. Brooke has been so interactive at story time. Last year she was timid but now she calls out the answers and gets into the songs and movements. I LOVE it!

We even got to go with cousin Isla to the baby story time, so we could show her how much fun it was!

 Mommy and Me time at the trampoline fun center finally began this week! (More pictures to come) It's a good thing that it started because Aubrey may not have made it waiting another week. She asked me on at least a weekly basis all Summer if Mommy & Me time had started yet. Both girls were thrilled to go jumping around on the trampolines and bounce houses!

 We went to see Winnie the Pooh at the dollar theater. Now that both girls are old enough to sit through a movie we will probably do this more often. Plus we discovered that it's only .75 on Monday nights. I knew Aubrey would not be happy if we skipped FHE, so we did that on Sunday night and then hit the theater on Monday night. Super fun and definitely a must do again! Oh and the girls absolutely LOVED Winnie the Pooh! They can't understand why we can't watch it at home now. They are much to used to Netflix!

Aubrey has had more soccer games for us to enjoy.

One time we got there before most of the team had arrived, so I let Brooke go out and kick around the ball. She was thrilled. However, she was not so thrilled when I told her she was done :(.

Look at those cutie little soccer buddies! We have to remind them every game that once the game starts they cannot hug each other any more. The coach finally caught on and no longer puts them in the game at the same time!

Finally getting to play on the playground that's been beckoning my girls each week.

Aubrey finally braved hanging from the monkey bars. She has been really wanting to attempt the monkey bars but has chickened out every time. There were kids there around her size doing the monkey bars, so she finally attempted it. Now the next step is to swing onto the next bar! You can do it Aubrey!

  And since the weather is still nice we've been able to continue our picnics at the park. And I have to admit that with the weather cooling off a bit, our times at the park have been much more pleasant!

Look at all these cute little kids!

Brooke and Clayson were there too!

I am totally in love with this picture that Esther took of Aubrey swinging and Isla at the park. So cute! I'm pretty sure that Aubrey wishes we could take Isla home with us and she can be her mommy!

Both girls insisted on wearing their Minnie Mouse attire when went on a picnic with Esther, Isla, Summer & Beckham. (I didn't bring my camera and so don't have any pics of Summer & Beckham.Esther took these photos with her iphone) And since she looked like Minnie, Brooke had to bring Minnie along for a stroll.

Me and my sweet girl!
We've also visited a natural history museum, a dinosaur museum and a museum of people's and cultures. I failed to bring my camera on those outings.

I have to admit that Summer ending and Fall beginning hasn't been nearly as depressing as I thought it would be. Although when we have to bring out the coats and the snow starts to fall and it feels like it will never be warm again, then that depression will most likely come back!! But, for now I will follow my Aubrey's example and look forward to all of the fun things to come. After all the holiday season is just around the corner, starting with our family favorite - HALLOWEEN!

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