Thursday, September 8, 2011

Labor Day

 We had a real nice Labor Day.

We had been planning for weeks to go to the Waterpark on Labor Day since Daddy was off work and we could go right when it opened to avoid crowds. So even though the weather was not at all cooperating we went.

This is what the weather was like. Yucky overcast and a little windy. Luckily most of the pools had warm water, so it was only cold when traveling between pools.

The girls loved this kiddie waterslide pool this season. It's where we spend most of our time. Brooke was even big enough to go on the slides all by herself.

Aubrey braved these even bigger kiddie slides this year.

I wasn't ready to let Brooke go on the bigger ones by herself, so I went down with her. You get a face full of water when you land which explains our expressions!

 The girls practicing their back floats.

With Brooke's vest and water wings, she would just swim all around the pools.

 After a fun morning at the water park we came home and had a weiner roast. I bought some Turkey dogs so I could have one too!

Jeff and Aubrey made and canned some relish that afternoon.

The fruits of their labors.

That evening we babysat Beckham so Summer and Steve could go out for an anniversary dinner.

The girls were excited to help babysit Beckham.

We had a real nice Labor day!

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