Monday, September 5, 2011

Splash Pad Play Date

 I heard about another fun splash pad from some friends in the neighborhood. So, we made a big neighborhood play date to go there last Friday. It was a lot of fun!

 Here are most of the kiddos. (A few were camera shy and a couple hadn't gotten there yet.) What a cute bunch!

Aubrey liked hoping over the water.

Brooke liked standing in the water,

and just generally being cute!

 This is my friend Aubrie's daughter Lilia. Isn't she adorable!

Aubrey thinks Lilia is sooooo cute!

Aubrey made a new friend!

 Time to warm up and have some lunch.

The playground there was awesome. Tons of stuff for the kids to climb on.

They loved this crazy skinny slide.

 The biggest hit was the teeter totter though. How many kids can you get on one of those things!?

The girls wanted me to take a picture of them doing a table top.

What a fun play date we had!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for organizing this! We had a great time. And I love the picture of Lilia--it's almost impossible to get a non-blurry one of her lately because she is always on the go!
