Friday, October 28, 2011

Little Sweethearts

 Yesterday morning, as I was getting ready for the day, my girls were playing so cute together. They were playing monster and making up little games. At one point they curled up together on my bed and Aubrey read Brooke a story.

 I sure do love these moments! They make the other not so fun moments worth it!!

Several days ago Brooke got on a stool in the family room and literally stood on it for at least 45 minutes. Why - because she's 2 that's why. Right before this picture she had fallen off the stool and now was a little nervous. Before the fall she was right in the middle of the family room, happy as can be, just a standing on the stool!

   Of course Aubrey had to have a stool standing picture as well!

The other day we had Brooke's little friend over while Aubrey was at preschool. Brooke turned on some music and the two of them were dancing away in the kitchen. It was so adorable. Of course, when I brought the camera out they froze, little stinkers. I really wanted a dancing picture of them!

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