Friday, October 7, 2011

Primary Program

 On Sunday Sept. 25th, Aubrey got to participate in her first ever Sacrament Primary Program. She was so excited about it. She had been excited since last September when Jeff told me that she had her eyes glued to the Primary children the entire time. After the program last year, she asked if she would get to do that sometime. Every song we learned this year she would ask if she would get to sing it in the Primary Program.

She had a little speaking part in the program that she asked me to take a video of for the blog. A kid after my own heart! ("The words of Jesus Christ will tell us all the things we should do.")

 Looking so cute for the program. After the program I asked her what her favorite part of it was. She responded, "Being on the stage the whole time!" She sure does like to perform!

Brooke had to have her picture taken too!

Aubrey's curtsy.

Brooke's bow.

It was so fun having Aubrey be a part of the program. Her little speaking part was right at the beginning, so my secretary, Aubrie, was kind enough to trade places with me at the beginning (she was down with the kids who were on the pews) so I could see Aubrey give her part. She looked so cute up at the podium and spoke her part with confidence.

Right before the program began I was released as the Primary President. I think it was a good week for it to happen. I tend to get emotional about things, but since I was so busy making sure everything was ready for the program practice, the actual program and for my Sharing Time, I didn't have any time or energy to spend being emotional about it. And then on Sunday when it happened, my mind was so focused on the program and sharing time that I was able to take it well. After the Program I was so proud of the Primary children. I only had to help one child with her part, everyone else had their parts memorized! And they sang their songs so well and they were unbelievably reverent! It was nice having my last day as President feeling so good about how the program turned out! After I handed off the stuff to the new Pres. I felt kinda empty. Usually Sunday nights I spend doing Primary things, so I didn't know what to do with myself! I loved my calling and those cute kids and I will miss it! I'm getting a new calling on Sunday and am really glad to have a job once again! (I don't like not having anything church related to think about and plan for - I guess I'm weird that way.) Most people asked if I felt relieved, and I can honestly say that that is not a feeling that I experienced. I had felt for several months that my time as President was coming to a close, and so really it just felt right. I had not been anxious to be done or had any feelings that I was ready to leave Primary, only that it was the Lord who felt it was time. I'm glad for all of the experiences and learning and growth that came as a result of my calling. And I am grateful to have gotten to work with and grown close to so many people who served in Primary. Now I'm on to a new adventure that I am really excited about!

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