Monday, October 31, 2011

Week 21

I lost 2 lbs this week which means I made my first goal! I made it to the weight I was before I got pregnant with Aubrey! It's so fun to reach a goal!! My total weight loss is 37 pounds!

I am so proud of my weight loss this week. Chocolate candy is my biggest weakness and we have been surrounded by it this week. Usually I am not strong enough to keep away from it, but I am happy to report that I didn't touch a single piece of processed, store bought chocolate. I did this weekend finally break down and make some homemade clean candy so I wouldn't feel too left out of the Halloween festivities - which is pretty much revolving around candy! And I'm excited to make my clean eating donuts this morning!

Now I am off to my next goal - my high school weight. 40 more pounds to go! That would also make a total of 100 pound weight loss starting with my original weight loss goal before I got pregnant with Aubrey. I think that would be a pretty fun accomplishment.

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