Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Beckham & More

 We had Beckham over a couple of times last weeks. The girls just love babysitting!

Aubrey sang him songs and read him stories.

 And, of course, gave him lots of kisses!

Brooke had fun bringing toys to Beckham too!

Aubrey has been really into reading, writing and math lately. A couple of weeks ago a bought her some workbooks and she would breeze through a few of them during her quiet time. She has such a great memory that I could give her instructions for like 6 - 8 pages at a time and then she would run off and work on them. She has also been writing constantly. First she wanted me to write words down for her and she would look at them as she wrote. Now she just has me spell them and she writes away. (There are a few letters that she forgets how to write, but most of them she has down.)

Here's a little clip of Aubrey reading from a few weeks back. She is improving so much and is really enjoying reading!

Here's a few fun Aubrey stories:
We were looking for a truck the last couple of weeks. On our third time out we walked up to a truck and Aubrey knelt down by it and looked up underneath it. We asked, "What are you doing?" She said, "I'm looking for any drips." I guess she noticed her daddy looking for leaks every time!
 A few days before Halloween, Aubrey said, "Every time I go potty I think about a witch's hand slapping my bum." I started laughing and asked where she came up with that idea. She replied, "Maybe a witch fell in the potty." Gotta love 4 year olds and Halloween!
While we were reading scriptures a few weeks ago Aubrey pointed to the picture of Christ being Crucified and said, "That's my favorite picture." We were curious about that and asked her what she liked about it. She replied, "Because He died that we might live again. That's why I like it."
Aubrey really liked the Sharing Time lesson a couple of weeks ago, so she came home and drew pictures like the ones she saw in the lesson so that she could teach it to Brooke. So sweet!
On the way home from the canyon a few weeks ago, Aubrey decided to count how long it would take. She made it to 429 with very minimal help!
Aubrey asked her Dad for a cat today. Jeff responded, "We don't have live pets in our house, but when you're a Mommy you can have a cat in your house." Aubrey replied, "Well I won't want a cat when I'm a Mommy, because then I'll think like you think." Smartie pants!
Brooke has been in underpants full time for the last couple of weeks. I had been putting it off for a while and one morning Brooke informed me that she no longer wanted to wear pull ups, but wanted to wear big kid underpants. So, I bit the bullet and put her in underpants. She's been doing really well. She still has accidents occasionally, but not everyday. I keep forgetting she's in underpants and so forget to remind her about going potty. The days I'm on the ball are the days she doesn't have accidents.

She didn't want to pose for her underpants picture, the little stinker!

A couple weeks ago when Brooke was sick, Daddy taught her how to give herself her own medicine. She loved it and felt so big. Not only that, but she reminded me everyday that she needed her medicine. That was such a big help!

Brooke was just lounging on the panda rocker the other day and looked so stinkin' cute!

Here's a couple of Brooke stories:
Aubrey informed me tonight that when she grows up she wants to either be a doctor an architect or a choir teacher. Then Brooke said, "I want to be a Monster!"
We were in the Wilkinson Center today at lunch time. As we were walking through a crowd Brooke stopped to fix her shoe. I saw her stop and was just a few feet away at a drinking fountain. When she looked up and didn't see us, she started crying. I motioned her over to us and she came over with the most pathetic face and said, "Mommy that break my heart."
Brooke loves to sing and make up songs just like her sister. The other day Aubrey was making up a play for the two of them to do. When she was done Brooke said, "I'm going to do a singing play." I told her it was called a musical. She then walked around making up songs and singing her musical.
Her favorite thing to say these days is, "I'm a big kid now." Between the underpants and some other new skills, she is feeling so big.

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