Friday, November 25, 2011

Clean Honey Whole Wheat Crescent Rolls

Honey Whole Wheat Crescent Rolls (Clean Eating)
I have this recipe on my Thanksgiving post, but since they are so good I thought they needed a post of their own! 

This is my made up recipe (well I started out with a bread recipe that I like, but I altered it quite a bit). They were seriously so delicious - if I may toot my own horn!


3 1/4 C Warm Water
1/2 C Honey
1 1/2 Tbsp Yeast
1 Tbsp Sea Salt
3/4 Cup Oil
1/4 tsp Baking Soda
7 Cups Whole Wheat Flour (I have a Nutrimill and I grind my wheat on the fine setting. If you do not have a wheat grinder that will grind really fine, I might use Wheat pastry flour.)
Olive Oil Spray


1. Let yeast dissolve in water and honey.
2. Add other ingredients and mix with a Kitchen Aid. The dough will be very wet and sticky - that's what makes the rolls so light.
3. Raise dough until doubled in size. Punch down and raise again until doubled. Punch down and put it in the refrigerator for a few hours or over night.
4. When ready to bake preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Divide the dough into 4 equal portions. Cover the counter with quite a bit of Wheat flour. Put first portion of dough on floured covered counter. Put more flour on top of the dough before you begin to roll it out - otherwise it will really stick to your rolling pin. Roll it out into a circle about 1/3 inch thick. Spray it with Olive oil. Slice it as you would a pie into 8 equal parts. Roll each triangle from the wide section down to the point into a crescent roll shape. Put on a baking pan to rise a bit while you prepare the rest of the dough. Once the first baking pan is full cover it with a cloth.
5. Bake until it is a golden brown and when you lightly push it, it springs back. (I honestly can't remember how long I baked them for. I think I put a timer on for 10 minutes and then just watched them from there.) 6. After you take them out of the oven lightly mist them with the olive oil spray again. Enjoy!
They tasted delicious topped with Pure Honey.

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