Wednesday, November 2, 2011


We had such a fun Halloween. The first thing out of Aubrey's mouth that morning was, "It's Halloween!" Then she said, "I wish Brooke was awake, so I can tell her that it's Halloween!" Then she excitedly talked with me about all of the Halloween's in the past. She told me about all of her past costumes and all of the decorations she had seen trick or treating the year before. Then she asked, "When can we go trick or treating." When I told her we would go after dinner, she said, "Can we eat dinner right now?" A child's excitement makes the world such a fun place!!

The morning started with the girls helping me make my healthy donuts.

Yummy - they turned out really good. More like the texture of really light muffins, but tasty none the less!

Brookie helping me on clean-up after the donut making.

After we carved our pretty pumpkins on Saturday, Aubrey informed me that she wanted to carve a spooky Jack O Lantern too. I told her we would if we had time. Well we had to make time on Halloween, because Aubrey was very insistent about carving her spooky Jack.

Here's her spooky Ghost Jack!

Aubrey looking spooky with her spooky Jack O Lantern!

After naps it was time to make homemade root beer with Daddy! Dry Ice is so much fun!

Then after dinner it was time to costume up and take some more pics!

Here is Strawberry Shortcake and Snow White with their matching Jack O Lanterns and matching dolls!

The Attridge family came to join us for trick or treating! What a cute 50's family!

Isla borrowed Brooke's costume from a couple of years ago.

Trying to get Isla to smile!

No dice on the smiling - but cute none the less!

Here's us Buell's

Cutie Cousins!

Getting some pics in our Haunted Yard.

Aubrey could not stand still - she was much to excited to go trick or treating!!

What a pretty little princess!

Yummy candy wrapper - if only Isla knew how much better the candy inside tasted!

Mommy and Daughter

"Trick or Treat"! We had our practice run at our house!

The Smith's joined us on our trick or treating adventure too!

Here they are in action!

Aubrey and Zoe ran from house to house. No matter how many times we asked them to wait for the rest of us, their excited little selves just could not slow down!!

Brooke did the best she could to try and keep up with the big girls! She had a couple of tumbles, but was much to excited to let that get her down!

What a little cutie pants!

Daddy and Daughter

Even Isla went up to trick or treat at a few houses.

I finally got a picture of all of the trick or treaters. Usually Aubrey & Zoe were way ahead of the pack, Brooke was somewhere in the middle and Clayson and Isla were tagging behind.

Funny girls - they probably needed a rest from all that running!

This is Sis. McGee, the girls adopted 3rd Grandma. The McGee's are the sweetest couple on the planet and my girls just adore them. They give them hugs whenever we see them!

We got word that a couple of ward members turned their backyards into Haunted houses, so we had to go and check it out.

The cute Belnap kids were zombies coming out of their graves. Brooke was so fascinated by Mandy (the one in the black wig.) She had to go back with Daddy to see "the girl with the black hair that comes out and gets you!"

Even Maeve, Aubrey's sunbeam friend, joined in the haunting. After Aubrey saw Maeve she said, "Sometime I want to scare people in a Haunted House."

Halloween morning Aubrey randomly found this Strawberry tatoo and asked if I would put it on her. I told her we could even put it on her face just like her Strawberry Shortcake doll that has a Strawberry on her cheek. Aubrey had to check which cheek her doll had the strawberry on, so she could match!

So happy to finally get at her candy!

Then the Carlile's came to join us. Aubrey giving Beckham some snuggles. He's in a skier outfit that his Daddy wore at Halloween when he was a baby.

Aubrey enjoying a donut!

Brookie giving Beckham snuggles.

Yay - Brookie excited to get a candy too.

Showing Summer and Steve the wig.

Summer had to give it a try too!

Here's the Carlile clan.

Aubrey loved giving out candy to the trick or treaters almost as much as trick or treating herself! She would stand in the dark front room watching for someone to come and then run to the door!

Brookie joined in a few times too.

It's Summer Shortcake!

Saying goodnight to Beckham.

I had to take a few more pics before we took off the costumes and sent the girls to bed.

It's a pouty Strawberry.

Aubrey made up a little Halloween song and Brooke joined in on the singing.

A little more dry ice before bed.

Then it was finally off to bed. The girls didn't seem the least bit tired, but they fell asleep pretty fast anyway! Those girls were just so excited all day long. I'm a little sad that it's all over. Good thing we have some more holidays to look forward to!

1 comment:

  1. I am still so impressed by your house Halloween night! You all have great traditions and ADORABLE children!!!
