Saturday, November 19, 2011

Our New Addition

 We have a new addition to our family. No not a baby or a pet, but a Nissan Frontier.

When Jeff and I were dating he had this beat up Toyota truck. When we got engaged we drove it to Canada to trade it with his parents for a more reliable vehicle. However, since then Jeff has always missed having a truck. Bungee cording things on top of our Tercel is just not the same as hauling it in a truck bed.

 We bought our little Toyota Tercel about 12 years ago for $1400. It has been a great little car for us. It is the little engine that could. Every time we held our breath when we had to have it tested for safety and emissions, but it always passed. So Jeff decided he'd drive it until it's end. Well a few weeks ago Jeff was rear ended in the Tercel. It was still able to drive fine, but one of the lights in the back was smashed. I'm guessing because of it's age the Insurance Company decided it was a total loss and offered us money to buy it off of us. It just so happened their amount was more then we actually paid for it 12 years ago. Pretty cool huh. I'm actually kinda sad to see it go. It's been a great car. The first car I ever owned.

But, I'm glad Jeff finally gets his dream realized of owning another truck! Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas to Jeff!

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