Sunday, December 11, 2011

Art Class

 I signed us up for the free art class at the museum again this month. I knew Aubrey would absolutely love it.

This time we were exploring sound. First we looked at a painting and talked about what they saw. Then they handed out different types of instruments and noise makers. The docent told a story and at certain parts of the story had someone hold up a picture of a specific noise maker and those children made the noise. The noise corresponded to what they may have been hearing in the picture.

Here's Brookie shaking her noise maker.

Here's Aubrey with her maraca.

On the second picture, Aubrey got to be the helper and hold up the pictures.

Then we made guitars out of tissue boxes, paper towel rolls and rubber bands.

The girls enjoyed decorating their guitars.

Here they are with their finished guitars.

At home Aubrey said, "Sometimes people have a string on their guitar so they can wear it like a necklace. Can we put some yarn on my guitar?" Too cute.

It's such a fun little class. I hope they do some more next year.

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