Monday, December 19, 2011


 Aubrey had been very much looking forward to Sunday. When she found out that I was in the ward choir, she begged me to let her join as well. I decided to give it a shot. She does a pretty good job of sitting and trying to learn the songs, so I let her join the choir. Sunday was our Christmas program with the choir singing many numbers. Also, the primary children sang the prelude number. Aubrey was sooooo excited to get to go up and sing the prelude number and then get to sit on the stand during the whole meeting and sing with the choir. She's such a little performer. She and a few other "choir kids" even got their own number to sing during the Christmas program. Aubrey was thrilled to get to sing at the microphone with the other choir kids. 

They sang "Samuel Tells of baby Jesus." Aubrey asked me to take a video of her singing it to put on the blog.

 Here' are my girls looking festive.

Aubrey loved wearing her fancy Christmas dress.

Brooke chose this red dress to wear because "Santa wears red" and because she wanted to wear the flower tights. She has started posing for pictures lately, just like her big sisor (that's how she pronounces sister - it's so cute.)

A few days ago Aubrey asked, "When are we going to our next Christmas party?" When I told her that our next party would be Christmas morning she asked, "Well are we going to get to see Santa again." When the answer was "no" she was pretty disappointed. Well when we were out running errands on Saturday we stopped by the health food store because I noticed that Santa would be there. The girls were thrilled to see Santa again! 
I had to laugh at the "skinny Santa". It seemed only fitting to have a skinny Santa at the health food store! Aubrey was a little confused by him. Afterwards she told me that she didn't think he was the real Santa because he didn't look like Santa.

 Poor Brookie has had the flu. Aubrey has been taking care of her sick sister.

I loved walking into the bedroom and seeing Aubrey snuggling her sick sister.

I loved this darling picture Aubrey drew of the Nativity. She has the blue sky (I think the stickers are stars or clouds.), the yellow star, the angel under the star, the green stable, baby Jesus and Mary in the stable, the shepherds with their canes and sheep, the three wise men with their gifts, and a donkey and cow.

On the backside is the field. I'm not sure what happened to the shepherds but she has the blue sky, star, angel under the star, a sheep and the green grass.

When she was done with the picture she said to me, "When I go to Heaven again, I want to give this picture to Jesus." She's such a little sweetheart.

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