Monday, December 5, 2011

Week 26

I lost 2 pounds this week, so that makes a total of 44 pounds!  If I can make it through Christmas without gaining weight it would be a first for me! It will be a little bit tricky because we'll be visiting family for some of it and I won't have my own food. But, it will also be a good test at how well I can make it work when I'm not at home and in my own kitchen!

I just looked up a height/weight chart and for my age and I am only 1 pound away from getting out of overweight status! Of course that is the very top end of healthy weight and I would like to get to the bottom end. But, it's nice to see that I am that close to being in the range of healthy weight for my age and height!

We made gingerbread houses yesterday and I was completely surrounded by candy and frosting. There were so many times that I almost licked my fingers, out of habit, but I didn't do it even once! Even when I was cutting out the gingerbread dough (all day) on Friday I never succumbed to sneaking a taste. And it smelled pretty enticing! I feel that everyday I am gaining more and more control over what I eat and less and less controlled by the food around me. It's always been hard for me to see yummy food and not completely over indulge. I think this complete lifestyle change was just the ticket for me to see that I can overcome the temptations and I can CHOOSE what I eat and not let it choose me.

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