Saturday, February 4, 2012

Brooke Learning her First Dance

Brooke has loved watching Aubrey learn her recital dances. I take videos for Aubrey to practice at home and Brooke loves to join in and learn the dance too.

She was so excited when she started to learn her very own dance! She looked absolutely adorable following the teacher and doing her dance.

I sure hope she loves performing on the big stage like her sister, because that will be so adorable if she doesn't get too shy!

I'm so glad that my girls love to dance - cause I sure do love to watch them!

1 comment:

  1. That is so cute! Brooke looks absolutely adorable--somehow she looks so big and so little at the same time. It's so fun to see her dancing and enjoying her class.
    (By the way, I love the little girl on the far left that stood there the entire time and didn't move at all, so funny!)
