Saturday, February 25, 2012

Talent Show

Tonight was the Ward Talent Show. When I heard about it I knew I would not hear the end of it if I didn't let Aubrey perform in the show. My friend Rachel's dad is a song writer and wrote the most fun song. He was willing to play the guitar and sing while the girls were the background singers and dancers. I decided that would be something Brooke could do as well. I'm so glad I let her participate because she was soooooo excited about it all day. It's all she could talk about - she even set up all of her toys to be in a talent show. I thought Brooke might be a little shy on stage, but I found out that she is in fact an even bigger Ham then her sister! Anyway, they were completely darling in my very unbiased opinion!!

Here it is: Gonna Build me a Rainbow by Larry Krause

Could there be any cuter background singers and dancers?!

Enjoying every single minute of dancing on stage!!

Singing their little hearts out!

Brooke was the only one who remembered to bow at the end and then she didn't want to leave the stage!

 The "Rainbow Singers"

Sweet little sisters!

It was so much fun tonight, not only watching my girls but seeing all of the performers. Aubrey was mesmerized the entire time! Brooke liked it too, but got tired half way through. I always loved being in ward/stake shows when I was a kid and now it's even more fun watching my girls enjoy performing!

1 comment:

  1. So cute beckham and I thoroughly enjoyed watching it. Beckham also loved his valentines.
