Sunday, March 4, 2012

Those Girls of Mine

 I'm happy to report that after several months of my girls arguing a lot, this last week they got a long really well! All week they have hardly fought or argued at all. It has been so heavenly having a peaceful home!

I haven't been able to get a cute picture of my girls together in forever, but last Sunday I got quite a few cute pics!

There has been one downside to my girls playing so well together, and that is that they have been like two little twin tornadoes destroying every room in the house! But I prefer them playing happily together and having a messier house to them crying and arguing all day!

Here is a couple of their adventures from this week:

One day they built volcanoes. This is how they converted Brooke's bed to a volcano. They wanted to have a picnic in their volcano, but I convinced them that reading stories would be a much better option.

I didn't take a picture of Aubrey's room, but hers consisted of several volcano's. She collected several blankets and then emptied the clothes from her drawers and rolled them in the blankets. Then she stacked these blanket rolls together forming volcano's. Once again this occurred the day after I had reorganized her dresser. I had her pick it all up on her own and have not been brave enough to look into her drawers since then! I don't know why her imaginative play must include making an enormous mess!

Saturday they started with a camp out with their babies, but then their babies got sick on said camp out. The entire family room floor was covered in blankets with sick babies. They decided they needed to get some play food to take care of their babies. As they were going through the play fridge I heard Aubrey say, "Let's feed our babies only healthy food."

Later when inspecting the camp/nurses station I found only fruits and vegetables on plates for their babies to eat. 

Here is Brooke nursing her sick baby with a spicy red pepper!

Here's Aubrey's sick baby surrounded by "healthy food" and medical supplies.
 While I was there taking pictures, Aubrey told me that she needed to make some medicine for her baby. Now I have been using all home remedies and essential oils to combat our colds and flu's this season. Aubrey must have really picked up on it because this is how she made her medicine. She found a dark bottle that she told me was supposed to be honey. She poured some on a spoon and then took several fruits and squeezed them onto the spoon. Then she spoon fed her baby the medicine. I love it when I see my girls acting out our life! It makes me laugh!

 On Presidents day, Jeff thought it would be fun to put the tent up for the girls. They had fun playing camping and having a picnic in the tent.

 Look at that cute little Brookie face peeking out!

 For the talent show the girls wanted me to paint their nails. Aubrey said, "I have an idea. I want you to paint rainbows on my nails. And this is how I want you to do it. I want you to make stripes of different colors on my nails." That seemed like a tall order, but I'm usually up for a challenge. They certainly did not turn out professional looking, however Aubrey was very thrilled with her nails and proceeded to show them to everyone she came across!

 Then a few days later she painted her own polish on top of my rainbows, covered her face with make-up and wanted me to take a picture! Funny kid. However since this picture she has gotten a lot more skilled in the make-up department. This last week she actually had all of the make-up in the right places, enough so that I even let her leave the house without scrubbing her face!

 A couple of weeks ago while we were in the check out line of the grocery store, Aubrey made up a creature called a Mopy. They were hiding from the Mopy and getting things for him to make him happy. Apparently he is not a nice guy. Anyway, when we got home Brooke kept talking about the Mopy. As I am making lunch I see Aubrey hiding under the kitchen chair. I ask her what she is doing and she says to me in a very scared voice, "I'm afraid of the Mopy, so I'm hiding." I reminded her that she made up the Mopy and how can she be afraid of something she made up herself. She responded, "Yeah but I made him up scary!" She has such an active imagination!

Whenever we watch a movie and Sleeping Beauty's castle shows up at the beginning the girls will ask if the people in the movie are at Disneyland. Well last Sunday I put on a living scripture clip about Nephi. As she is watching it, Brooke asks, "Is Nephi at Disneyland?" Funny kid.

Brooke has always been very keyed into the emotions of others. Whenever we read a book or watch a show she is watching the characters expressions and then mentioning if they look happy or sad or mad. Her favorite part of Tangled has always been when Gothel and Rapunzel go back and forth saying, "I love you, I love you more, I love you most." I always thought that was a pretty sweet part of the movie for her to choose as her favorite. Well the other day Brooke was watching Tangled and informed me that she had a new favorite part. She told me it was when Rapunzel is a baby and her Mommy is holding her and she puts her hand on her Mommy's face. What a tender moment and what a tender little 2 year old to have been touched by that part of the movie. She really does have such a sweet heart. And her temper, stubborn, independent, tantrums seem to be subsiding quite a bit as of late. I think the 2 year monster may finally be exiting from my sweet Brookie!

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