Saturday, April 21, 2012

Big Kid Storytime and Birthday Money

Brooke is so excited that she is now big enough to go to the Big Kid Story time! She got to go for the first time the week of her birthday and she couldn't have been more excited. That little thing just can't wait to grow up!

Aubrey was so excited too. She was thrilled to take her sister with her and show her the ropes! She was just a mother hen the whole time. They have a video monitor so the parents can watch what's going on. Aubrey had her arm around her and was taking good care of her sister.

After story time we headed to Toys R Us so Brooke could pick out a birthday present with her money from Grandma and Grandpa Bagley. She had a blast going down all of the aisles handing me the toys she might like. After we scoured the store, Esther and I set them all up in a circle for Brooke to choose. That part proved challenging for her. First she pointed to each one and said, "I want this one, I want this one . . . I guess I want all of them!" I had to explain that she had to pick one. She finally decided on the medical kit (Although she really wanted the Minnie Mouse Birthday Boutique doll also) The medical kit happened to be one of two that were less money then she had. So I told her that she could also have the Fin Fin Friend fish as well. (which has been a huge hit with both girls!) 

Brooke was so excited that since she is part of the birthday club she got a crown and balloon as well! It's so much fun to be the birthday girl!

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