Sunday, May 20, 2012

Brooke's Dance Pics

Brooke had her dance pictures the day after Aubrey's and she was so excited for her turn to get all dolled up and take pics!

She is also very excited to get a collage on her bedroom wall just like her big sis. I designed this several days ago and showed Brooke. She has been asking every day since, "Has my dance picture gotten out of the computer yet so we can put it on my wall?" What a cutie, she'll be thrilled when we pick it up tomorrow!

Brooke has done such a great job in class. She listens and follows her teacher even when almost everyone else is running around. I've been so proud of her. She's been bumped up to the older class for next year as well. (3-5 year olds, instead of the 2-3 year old class she was in this year).

Here's lots of pictures of my darling little pint sized dancer!



Now she can't wait for her upcoming concert and getting to dance on the big stage!

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