Thursday, May 24, 2012

More Ice Skating

 We enjoyed Ice Skating as a family so much we decided to go again. The girls were very excited. So was I - I was determined to learn how to skate without holding onto the girls walkers or the wall!! About half way into it, I reached my goal and was skating!!

 Aubrey saw some other kids skating by themselves with the walkers and decided she was brave enough to try it. (Last time she wanted one of us to hold onto it with her).

 She just took off and became quite the speed demon on it!

Here she is whizzing past Jeff as he tries to take a pic.

Of course then Brooke wanted to try on her own. She couldn't quite get the pushing the walker then skating up to it action down. Several times she just pushed it away from herself. Which was not good because at that point I couldn't skate on my own and we would both be stuck stranded! I think that's what gave me the motivation to let go, cause I had to chase after her walker!

Daddy trying a new method with Brooke. It's much easier on your back this way!

Fun times! We planned to go again the following Monday (this Mon.) but for some reason they dropped the evening Public Skate and moved it to the morning. So I braved it alone! Brooke finally got the walker thingy down better and Aubrey skated a little alone without the walker. I was proud of both of their progress! I'm glad we decided to brave the ice rink this month - it's been a lot of fun!

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