Saturday, July 28, 2012


 One of my most favorite people and friend since Junior High School has moved nearby. We decided to get together and take our kids bowling.

 My kids have never gone, but really enjoyed it. In fact they begged me to stay and play another game after Shandrea and her kids left.

Brookie with the little bowling helper. She only used this the first couple times and then insisted on throwing it like the rest of us. The ball would take forever to make it to the pins!

  Aubrey would stick her hands in the ball and walk up to the line. Then she would take them out and throw it like this. Cute kid.

Shandrea and her cute kids!

Brooke would not cooperate for a pic. Try # 1
  Try # 2

All the cute kiddos.

It was a lot of fun to hang out with Shandrea and her fun kids!

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