Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Father's Day Crafting

 My girls absolutely love special days and love making things for people. So for Father's Day I always try and come up with something they can make for their Daddy. They get very excited to make their homemade presents for him.

Since I had a couple of cute pics of him and the girls I had taken a few weeks prior, I knew I wanted to incorporate that into the gift. I finally decided on them making mosaic frames. I got picture frames and blue and green stones at the dollar store. I also bought some fancier stones at the craft store so they could have a little variety in shape.

 I armed them each with a small tube of craft glue and the stones. They had so much fun doing these!

The entire time they kept saying, "It looks so good - Daddy's going to love it!"

It was the perfect craft for their skill level and I think they turned out super cute as well!
Here they are with their frames full of stones. It took a while for the glue to dry! I let them go to town on their own, because they enjoy it so much better that way. So they went a little overboard on the glue! But I knew that was going to be covered with plaster, so it really wasn't that big of a deal.

A couple days later I plastered the frames - and here's the finished result. One thing I wish I would have done differently is painted the frames white. The colors would have been brighter then they are on the brown frames. I also learned to go sparingly with the plaster. I ended up spending a significant time trying to uncover the stones because I put too much plaster on.

A couple days later the girls made coupon books for their Dad. One night I had them brainstorm with me some ideas for coupons. I gave them a couple of examples and then they had a blast coming up with ideas of their own. Then I typed up the coupons, leaving a box for them to decorate on each coupon.

Aubrey illustrated each coupon and some of her pictures are just adorable!

Brooke enjoyed gluing on hearts and stickers.

They were so excited to have such fun presents that they made themselves to give to Daddy on Father's day!

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