Saturday, July 7, 2012

Random Stuff

 Before we went to Canada, Jeff gave the girls a few Canadian coins for them to spend on our trip. Grandma gave them a few more when we got there. So we headed to the DollarRama for them to pick out a few things.

Brooke picked a plaster mold farm kit. First we made the plaster and put it in the molds. Then we waited a day to paint them. Aubrey really wanted to paint some too, so Brooke nicely agreed to share some with her sis. Well I realized I had some plaster of paris on hand and could make Aubrey her own set. She was thrilled

Here they are painting their farm animals.

Aubrey loves to play Restaurant. First she makes a menu and draws pictures of the different food items we can choose from. Then she sets up the restaurant and makes our dinner. She's such a little cutie pants!

The girls enjoying the fizzing cups that I had prepared for senior primary. After the fizz died down they thought they should add salt and pepper and any other food they could find. Funny kids.

The girls loved the Art Festival that we went to so much, that a couple days later they re-enacted it. It was pretty cute. For some reason it was imperative that I wear these glasses and tiara for the festival!

Aubrey was so excited to pick a carrot from the garden.

Brooke wanted to pick some too! They sure do love picking food from the garden. They especially love to check everyday for strawberries and raspberries. And of course they eat them all as soon as they are ripe! I'm glad they are enjoying the fresh produce from our garden!

Making their own waterslide.

Enjoying the day at our favorite water park!

We discovered that a dragonfly decided to hitch a ride on our stroller. It's a shame I didn't have my camera with me. It had beautiful light blue stripes on it's body. I absolutely love dragonflies and was glad we could have one with us the whole way to the van. Just as we were walking up to our van, it flew away. It must have known that it's ride was over!

Aubrey saw on Disney Junior that kids can color a character and then take pictures with it during their summer adventures. Then if you upload the pic. you may get to see it on tv. Of course that was a must on her summer to do list!

Brooke wanted to join in on that too.

We've also been enjoying the Summer Reading programs at two local libraries. We love to go for craft and story time at one library. At the other we've been going to Shakespeare for Kids. Aubrey's been dying to get a part in one of the plays. So far she hasn't been chosen, I sure hope she gets one in an upcoming play. They've also had live animal shows at the library that we've enjoyed. We also even managed to go Ice Skating and swimming on the same day last week. I sure do love the Summer - and I wish it would just slow down. It comes and goes in the blink of an eye. Why can't winter be just as short!!

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