Monday, July 30, 2012

Sleeping Beauty Play

 My girls were super excited when I told them we got tickets to see the play Sleeping Beauty. Aubrey's first question was, do we get to dress up like a princess? She even happened to have a Sleeping Beauty dress. Brooke had gone back and forth on what princess she wanted to be, but that morning decided on being Flora the pink fairy in Sleeping Beauty.

 Anxiously awaiting for the play to begin.

They seriously loved every second of it. Their eyes never left the stage. It was the stillest Brooke has ever been in her life! (she's a wiggle worm!) I'm so glad I was able to get a great deal on tickets and take them to the theater (one of my most favorite past times!).

The actors were outside for us to meet them afterwards. Brooke was excited to meet the Pink Fairy, but then got a little shy once we got up close. (But doesn't Aubrey look adorable in this pic?!)

Then we had to get a pic. with Aurora herself!

The girls even braved getting up close to Maleficent!

It was such a fun thing to get to do with my girls!

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