Sunday, September 30, 2012

Preschool Letter B

 When I told Brooke that we were going to have preschool at our house on the first week she said that she wanted to learn about butterflies, make butterflies and make bugs out of fruit. I think she really liked the bug lesson I did for Aubrey's class in May! Instead of redoing the bug lesson, I decided to select the letter B and incorporate the things she requested.

Here's our cute little class, ready to begin. (Aubrey is only in the class when it is at our house - otherwise she gets mommy time and I am loving the alone time with her.)

 Brooke showing the Blue Bird that she brought for show and tell.

Practicing writing the letter B.

 Playing the B animal game. I printed off pictures of animals that begin with the letter B. They took turns picking one and then they all acted like the animal. They had a lot of fun with this. 

Being  either birds or butterflies in this one.
Either Bobcats or Beetles in this one.

Growling like Bears

Being Boa Constrictors.

Being Bucks with big antlers.

Cute little Baboons


 Buzzing Bees

Then they colored a picture of a Bear, Butterfly & Bat with Brown, Blue & Black crayons.

Then we were a band and sang, "Boa Constrictor, Baby Bumblebee & Wheels on the Bus.

Then I read them this book about the life cycle of a Butterfly.

 And then we made butterflies. First they painted a clothespin black for the body.

Then they filled a plastic bag with colored pom poms and squished bright colored tissue paper.

 Then I helped them glue on antennae and fasten the clip onto the wings. Here's some completed plastic Bag Butterflies.

Then they decorated a Big letter B with beads, buttons and bow tie pasta.

Gluing is so much fun!

Before class began I had hidden several pictures of things that started with the letter B. I gave them all Brown paper bags and had them hunt for the B object pictures.

Then they glued their pictures onto black and blue construction paper and made their own B Books.

Then it was snack time. I sliced up berries and bananas and told them they were to make bugs out of them. This is the example I made for them.

They went right to town making their bugs. What kid doesn't love getting to play with their food!

When each would finish their creation they would show me and ask for their picture to be taken before eating it. Too cute!

Fun times for our first day of preschool this year! Brookie had a great time and that makes it all worth it!

Brooke's First Day of Preschool

 Brooke was so excited to start Preschool! In the weeks proceeding it, if anyone mentioned that Aubrey was starting Kindergarten, she was quick to remind them that she was starting Preschool too! I was really quite glad that she had something special to look forward to this year too. (being the 2nd child can be tough sometimes!)

Brookie was so excited the morning of her first preschool! She asked for waffles and chocolate milkshakes for her special breakfast.

 We hurried and got ready so we could take a few pictures before her friends came over.

What a happy little girl she was to have her first preschool class!

 She remembered the spots I took pictures of Aubrey on  her first day of school and ran right to them!

She had picked out this butterfly dress a few weeks before to wear on her first day. Aubrey decided to match her.

Cute silly sisters. 

These pictures were actually taken on Aubrey's first day of school. But since she's wearing the same outfit, I'm counting them as preschool pics! I love this one of Brooke.

Soon after we took the pics, her friends arrived. They were all so cute and excited! I'll post pics from the preschool class on the next post.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Cute Cousins

 We had one more day to visit with Elliot, Katie & Tori before they headed home. 

The girls just adored Tori. I love the way Aubrey is looking at her.

 Both of them fawning on their new baby cousin.

Tori had fallen asleep so Aubrey ran and got a blanket and put it on her.

Brookie had to put one on her too!

At dinner my girls were laughing real loud to try and get Isla to laugh too. It worked - the three of them were cracking each other up. I missed the shot when they all had their hands over their mouth like Aubrey is doing.

So we had a real fun time attempting to get a picture of the 4 cousins together. This one was the best I got. The other attempts were pretty funny.

Isla wanting to get that cute baby.

All four of them crack me up in this one. Isla is saying, "Get me out of here", Brooke, "Hey stop moving Isla" Tori, "Stop taking pictures already" & Aubrey, "Okay I am so done with the picture taking."

Aubrey the little mommy wanted more snuggles with Tori.

Love this one.

Three pink princesses.

Tori is just irresistible.

Brookie wanted a turn holding Tori.

I love how she is giving Tori her pacifier. So sweet.

That night as they were saying goodbye, Brooke said to me, "They're not going far away are they?" And when I told her that they were, Brooke started to cry. It broke her heart that she wasn't going to get to see Tori for awhile. I love how my girls just love their baby cousins!!