Sunday, September 30, 2012

Brooke's First Day of Preschool

 Brooke was so excited to start Preschool! In the weeks proceeding it, if anyone mentioned that Aubrey was starting Kindergarten, she was quick to remind them that she was starting Preschool too! I was really quite glad that she had something special to look forward to this year too. (being the 2nd child can be tough sometimes!)

Brookie was so excited the morning of her first preschool! She asked for waffles and chocolate milkshakes for her special breakfast.

 We hurried and got ready so we could take a few pictures before her friends came over.

What a happy little girl she was to have her first preschool class!

 She remembered the spots I took pictures of Aubrey on  her first day of school and ran right to them!

She had picked out this butterfly dress a few weeks before to wear on her first day. Aubrey decided to match her.

Cute silly sisters. 

These pictures were actually taken on Aubrey's first day of school. But since she's wearing the same outfit, I'm counting them as preschool pics! I love this one of Brooke.

Soon after we took the pics, her friends arrived. They were all so cute and excited! I'll post pics from the preschool class on the next post.

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