Sunday, September 23, 2012

Aubrey's First School Project

 A few days before Kindergarten started, Aubrey went in for an assessment. It was a unique experience for her. I could tell she was a little nervous because many things she knows she didn't answer for the teacher. But, she still did well on the assessment. She did enjoy it though because afterward she asked if she got to come and do that again. At the assessment, we were given a girl cut out and told to decorate it together to look like Aubrey.

Aubrey was very excited for this project and insisted that we make the outfit be the exact one that she wore to the assessment.

Here Aubrey is working on her doll. She went through all the markers looking for her skin color, and this is the closest she could find.

 Then we went through the fabric scraps I had so she could choose which fabric would look the closest to her desired outfit. Then she painted on a rainbow and clouds with glue and glitter.

 She asked if we could make bows and glue on gems as well.

Here she is with her completed Aubrey doll. I think it turned out very cute and she was thrilled. Aubrey had to put on her matching outfit to take a picture with her doll. She was excited to show me it in the hallway at school the next week!

 Of course I had to find something for Brooke to do while we worked on it or I would have had a very unhappy little lady. Luckily we had some fairy cut outs that were very similar to the doll cut out. I even printed off her face for one of the fairies.

Brooke had to put on her tutu to pose with her dolls. Here's the tutu one.

Here's the Brookie one.
We sure love art projects in our house!!

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