Saturday, September 29, 2012

Cute Cousins

 We had one more day to visit with Elliot, Katie & Tori before they headed home. 

The girls just adored Tori. I love the way Aubrey is looking at her.

 Both of them fawning on their new baby cousin.

Tori had fallen asleep so Aubrey ran and got a blanket and put it on her.

Brookie had to put one on her too!

At dinner my girls were laughing real loud to try and get Isla to laugh too. It worked - the three of them were cracking each other up. I missed the shot when they all had their hands over their mouth like Aubrey is doing.

So we had a real fun time attempting to get a picture of the 4 cousins together. This one was the best I got. The other attempts were pretty funny.

Isla wanting to get that cute baby.

All four of them crack me up in this one. Isla is saying, "Get me out of here", Brooke, "Hey stop moving Isla" Tori, "Stop taking pictures already" & Aubrey, "Okay I am so done with the picture taking."

Aubrey the little mommy wanted more snuggles with Tori.

Love this one.

Three pink princesses.

Tori is just irresistible.

Brookie wanted a turn holding Tori.

I love how she is giving Tori her pacifier. So sweet.

That night as they were saying goodbye, Brooke said to me, "They're not going far away are they?" And when I told her that they were, Brooke started to cry. It broke her heart that she wasn't going to get to see Tori for awhile. I love how my girls just love their baby cousins!!

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